

As we do at Samaniego High-school every year, we have received the collaboration of a Language Assistant to teach/practise speaking skills with our CLIL students. What’s been new this year is the frequent participation of our new Language Assistant (Ana) in CLIL lessons together with the teachers of these subjects such as Biology, Citizenship, P.E. or Music among others.

In Music lessons with 2ºB CLIL class, Ana has practised the Lemon Tree song by discussing the meaning of the lyrics and singing the song. They also spent 2-3 weeks practising the Cup Song and rehearsing in class so as to perform the song during the Christmas Show in December. Everyone really enjoy it and they sang along with them. You can see how they did it on these videos.

In Citizenship lessons, 2ºB CLIL students have spent one class every two weeks discussing the following topics in English:
-       Teen Problems
-       Immigration and Racism
-       Bullying
-       Anorexia
-       Smoking and Alcohol
-       Democracy, Dictatorship and Human Rights
-       Social Networking
-       Global Warming and Climate Change

1ºB CLIL students again together with Ana and the Biology teacher practised all their knowledge on Natural Sciences and English doing a ‘Shakespeare VS Science activity Card Matching’ on the Science and Cultural Week.  

3ºB CLIL Mathematics teacher together with Ana and the CLIL section students spent a few lessons revising and discussing orally in English about natural numbers, integers, algebra, polynomials, equations, second degree equations and linear systems.

4ºB CLIL students together with the Ethics teacher and Ana organised a Discussion about Animal Rights. The History teacher also collaborated with Ana by getting her involved in the Presentation of projects and discussion of the following topics:
-       Women’s rights and their role in the French Revolution
-       Working class during the Industrial Revolution
-       Working conditions of children and women in the Industrial Society

Finally, Ana has been participating quite frequently in P.E. CLIL lessons with 1º Bachillerato students and their teacher. They’ve been working on Sport Acrobatics and Fitness Circuits through the year. Throughout the 3rd Term, they all prepared a Flash Mob to be performed at the end of the school year at the school by surprise. Although the main participants were 1° Bachillerato students, other CLIL groups joined the activity and learned some of the steps. The students performed it during the break time in June.

You can check it now on the following video! Have fun!

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